
This recipe describes how to generate assembly like zip, tar.gz or tar.bz2.

Prerequisite Plugins

Here is the list of the plugins used:

Plugin Version
assembly 2.4.1

Sample Generated Output

|-- pom.xml
|-- src\
`-- target
    `-- apache-maven-cookbook-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin
    `-- apache-maven-cookbook-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.bz2
    `-- apache-maven-cookbook-1.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz


Configuring Assembly Descriptor

To generate an assembly, we need to configure an assembly descriptor called bin.xml in the src/assembly directory. Firstly, we specify the wanted formats, i.e.


And the wanted files sets, i.e.


Configuring Maven Assembly Plugin

We execute the assembly:single goal from the Assembly plugin during the package phase.


Running Maven

Just call Maven to generate the packages:

mvn package

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Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.