First you must go to the following site to install the BASH programmable auto completion setup if your distro doesn't have it by default. I don't think many do so you'll need to go to the Programmable Completion Website.

Once you've setup your system for auto completion you need to take the following:


  for mojo in $mojos
    export goals="$goals $plugin:$mojo"

  local cur goals

  goals='clean compile test install package deploy site'
  goals=$goals _m2_make_goals "eclipse" "eclipse"
  goals=$goals _m2_make_goals "idea" "idea"
  goals=$goals _m2_make_goals "assembly" "assembly"
  goals=$goals _m2_make_goals "plexus" "app bundle-application bundle-runtime descriptor runtime service"
  cur=`echo $cur | sed 's/\\\\//g'`
  COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${goals}" ${cur} | sed 's/\\\\//g') )

complete -F _m2_complete -o filenames mvn

And place it in /etc/bash_completion.d/m2. Once you've done that the next time you start up your BASH shell you will have m2 auto completion!

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Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.