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Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Todo Work 15 todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 13

com.soebes.itf.examples.ITWithBeforeEachIT Line
Need to reconsider and what should being checked here? 35
com.soebes.itf.examples.ITWithBeforeEachMavenIT Line
@RepeatedTest(value = 2) Does not work currently but it should work! 71
com.soebes.itf.extension.assertj.MavenProjectResultAssert Line
wrong way...need to reconsider. 86
Need to reconsider the following call. Maybe we need to use a different ProjectResult here? because it conflicts with the assumption of MavenProjectResult. 199
com.soebes.itf.jupiter.extension.DirectoryResolverResult Line
Hard coded default. Should we get the default from the Annotation? 123
Hard coded default. Should we get the default from the Annotation? 134
com.soebes.itf.jupiter.extension.MavenITExtension Line
Need to reconsider the maven-it directory? 87
Model should be done right. 104
Need to introduce better directory names 293
com.soebes.itf.jupiter.extension.ModelReader Line
this.model.getParent() == null what should be the consequence? 43
this.model.getParent() == null what should be the consequence? 51
com.soebes.itf.jupiter.maven.Projects Line
Need to use a real tree structure to support real project reactors with different levels etc. 34
com.soebes.itf.maven.plugin.BasicIT Line
The following should be made easier See 63

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 15

com.soebes.itf.examples.ITWithBeforeEachMavenIT Line
Enhanced MavenProjectResult with `target` 42
testMethodProjectFolder should be made part of MavenProjectResult as well! => simplifies the following code 43
com.soebes.itf.extension.assertj.ArchiveAssert Line
currently ignore maven files and MANIFEST.MF 58
com.soebes.itf.jupiter.extension.ApplicationExecutor Line
This should be made configurable 64
Can make that better? 72
Can make that better? 76
com.soebes.itf.jupiter.extension.MavenITExtension Line
What happens if the directory has been created by a previous run? should we delete that structure here? Maybe we should make this configurable. 92
Reconsider deleting the local cache .m2/repository with each run yes/no Define default behaviour => Remove it. Make it configurable. How? Think about? 110
In cases where we have MavenProject it might be better to have different directories (which would be more concise with the other assumptions) with directory idea instead of prefixed files. 185
Reconsider about the default options which are being defined here? Documented? users guide? 231
This is the default goal which will be executed if no `@MavenGoal` at all annotation is defined. 264
com.soebes.itf.maven.plugin.ResourcesMojo Line
Document the default excludes we are using? 226
Need to clean up. 232
com.soebes.itf.maven.plugin.failure.FailureIT Line
Is there a simpler way to do this? Can we somehow create better support for that? 47
Is there a simpler way to do this? Can we somehow create better support for that? 63