All Classes and Interfaces

The source structure looks usually like this:
@DisabledForMavenVersion is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is disabled on one or more specified Maven version which the tests are being run with.
ExecutionCondition for @DisableForMaven.
@EnabledForMavenVersion is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is EnabledForMavenVersion on one or more specified Maven version which the tests are being run with.
ExecutionCondition for @EnabledForMaven.
The different command line options which are supported by Apache Maven.
Will be removed with Release 0.14.0.
@MavenGoal is used to define the goals which will be executed during an integration test.
@MavenGoals is a container for one or more @MavenGoal declarations.
This annotation defines the base to run any kind of integration tests.
It's the intention to find the mvn executable.
@MavenOption is used to define options for calling Maven command line.
@MavenOptions is a container for one or more @MavenOption declarations.
This defines a local repository with predefined dependencies which are used in the tests.
This annotation is intended to define a profile you would like to activate.
@MavenProfiles is a container for one or more @MavenProfile declarations.
This annotation is intended to define a location of the directory where the pom.xml is located.
Control the need to provide projects in the default project setup directory `resources-its` or provide them on your own.
Defines the method to be a test which can be executed.
@MavenVerbose is a meta annotation for convenience purposes to make it easier to activate verbose option for a Maven build just by simply adding @MavenVerbose.
This will read information from the Model which can be accessed by other parts of the integration tests.
This will replace the placeholders which can be defined in MavenGoal.
@SystemProperties is a container for one or more @SystemProperty declarations.
@SystemProperty is used to define a system property which will be added to the call of Maven during the execution of the tests.