Maven Plugin Development

Integration Test Example

In this example we will implement a very simple Maven Plugin which will printout some information about the current project.

So the question is now: How to test this Plugin? Of course we can do a mvn install an run every time we change something but this is very time consuming and error prone so we prefer to do an automatic integration tests which can be achieved by using the Maven Invoker Plugin.

The Maven Invoker Plugin will setup an complete environment which contains a local Maven repository and will do the execution of the integration tests as well.

We have to change our project layout and add a first integration test of which results into the following structure:

|-- pom.xml
`-- src
    |-- it
    |   |-- basicTest
    |   |   |--
    |   |   |-- pom.xml
    |   |   `-- verify.bsh
    |   `-- settings.xml
    `-- main
        `-- java
            `-- com
                `-- soebes
                    `-- maven
                        `-- guide
                            `-- mp
                                `-- it

Furthermore we have to add the configuration for the Maven Invoker Plugin into our pom.xml file as well.

  <!-- Profile definition for running integration-test running the integration
    tests with the following command line: mvn -Prun-its integration-test -->


First i have to mention that the configuration for the Maven Invoker Plugin is put into a profile which must be activated manually. The reason is that many plugins do it that way. You can call it "Best Practice", but i'm not sure if it really is. I would recommend to put into a real configuration without a profile. The disadvantage of such a setup is that the integration tests will run during the release process.

Before the integration tests starts the Maven Invoker Plugin will copy all contents from the src/it/basicTest area to a location under the target/it/ folder which is controlled by the cloneProjectsTo. Furthermore is the Maven Invoker Plugin able to filter all files which are located under src/it and copied to the target/it location.

During the run of the integration tests the Maven Invoker Plugin will create a local repository controlled by localRepositoryPath. It's intention is not to pollute the users local repository .m2/repository with artifacts which came from the integration tests.

To get the setup work it's needed to have a settings.xml file which has a special configuration. This is achieved by the settingsFile configuration.
