
package com.soebes.maven.plugins.iterator;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.io.comparator.NameFileComparator;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.DirectoryFileFilter;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.FileFilterUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.HiddenFileFilter;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;

 * @author Karl-Heinz Marbaise <a href="mailto:khmarbaise@apache.org">khmarbaise@apache.org</a>
public abstract class AbstractIteratorMojo
    extends AbstractMojo
     * The project currently being build.
    @Parameter( required = true, readonly = true, defaultValue = "${project}" )
    private MavenProject mavenProject;

     * The current Maven session.
    @Parameter( required = true, readonly = true, defaultValue = "${session}" )
    private MavenSession mavenSession;

     * If you like to skip the execution.
    @Parameter( property = "iterator.skip", defaultValue = "false" )
    private boolean skip;

     * Fail the execution at the end of all iterations or fail the whole if one iteration step fails.
    @Parameter( property = "iterator.failAtEnd", defaultValue = "false" )
    private boolean failAtEnd;

     * The token the iterator placeholder begins with.
    @Parameter( required = true, defaultValue = "@" )
    private String beginToken;

     * The token the iterator placeholder ends with.
    @Parameter( required = true, defaultValue = "@" )
    private String endToken;

     * The name of the iterator variable.
    @Parameter( required = true, defaultValue = "item" )
    private String iteratorName;

     * Here you can define the items which will be iterated through.
     * <pre>
     * {@code 
     *   <items>
     *     <item>one</item>
     *     <item>two</item>
     *     <item>three</item>
     *     ..
     *   </items>}
     * </pre>
    @Parameter( property = "iterator.items" )
    private List<String> items;

     * If you like to have items to iterate through which also contain supplemental properties. This can be done by
     * using the following:
     * <pre>
     * {@code 
     *   <itemsWithProperties>
     *     <itemWithProperty>
     *       <name>one</name>
     *       <properties>
     *         <xyz>google</xyz>
     *       </properties>
     *     </itemWithProperty>
     *     <itemWithProperty>
     *       <name>two</name>
     *       <properties>
     *         <xyz>theseverside</xyz>
     *       </properties>
     *     </itemWithProperty>
     *     ..
     *   </items>}
     * </pre>
     * You are not determined having the same properties for the iterations. You can use different properties for each
     * iteration.
    private List<ItemWithProperties> itemsWithProperties;

     * The list of items which will be iterated through. {@code <content>one, two, three</content>}
    private String content;

     * The delimiter which will be used to split the {@link #content}.
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "," )
    private String delimiter;

     * By using this folder you define a folder which sub folders will be used to iterate over. It will be iterated over
     * the directories but not the sub folders so no recursion will be done. The order of the iterated elements is done
     * by {@link #sortOrder}.
    private File folder;

     * This defines the sort order for the folders which will be iterated over.
     * {@link NameFileComparator#NAME_COMPARATOR} {@link NameFileComparator#NAME_INSENSITIVE_COMPARATOR}
     * {@link NameFileComparator#NAME_INSENSITIVE_REVERSE} {@link NameFileComparator#NAME_REVERSE}
     * {@link NameFileComparator#NAME_SYSTEM_COMPARATOR} {@link NameFileComparator#NAME_SYSTEM_REVERSE}
    @Parameter( defaultValue = "NAME_COMPARATOR" )
    private String sortOrder;

    public boolean isSortOrderValid( String sortOrder )
        boolean result = sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_COMPARATOR" )
            || sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_INSENSITIVE_COMPARATOR" )
            || sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_INSENSITIVE_REVERSE" ) || sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_REVERSE" )
            || sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_SYSTEM_COMPARATOR" )
            || sortOrder.equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_SYSTEM_REVERSE" );
        return result;

    protected Comparator<File> convertSortOrder()
        Comparator<File> result = NameFileComparator.NAME_COMPARATOR;
        if ( getSortOrder().equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_INSENSITIVE_COMPARATOR" ) )
            result = NameFileComparator.NAME_INSENSITIVE_COMPARATOR;
        else if ( getSortOrder().equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_INSENSITIVE_REVERSE" ) )
            result = NameFileComparator.NAME_INSENSITIVE_REVERSE;
        else if ( getSortOrder().equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_REVERSE" ) )
            result = NameFileComparator.NAME_REVERSE;
        else if ( getSortOrder().equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_SYSTEM_COMPARATOR" ) )
            result = NameFileComparator.NAME_SYSTEM_COMPARATOR;
        else if ( getSortOrder().equalsIgnoreCase( "NAME_SYSTEM_REVERSE" ) )
            result = NameFileComparator.NAME_SYSTEM_REVERSE;
        return result;

    public List<String> getFolders()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        IOFileFilter folders = FileFilterUtils.and( HiddenFileFilter.VISIBLE, DirectoryFileFilter.DIRECTORY );
        IOFileFilter makeSVNAware = FileFilterUtils.makeSVNAware( folders );
        IOFileFilter makeCVSAware = FileFilterUtils.makeCVSAware( makeSVNAware );

        String[] list = folder.list( makeCVSAware );
        if ( list == null )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( "The specified folder doesn't exist: " + folder );

        List<File> listOfDirectories = new ArrayList<File>();
        for ( String item : list )
            listOfDirectories.add( new File( folder, item ) );

        Collections.sort( listOfDirectories, convertSortOrder() );
        List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>();
        for ( File file : listOfDirectories )
            resultList.add( file.getName() );
        return resultList;

    private List<String> getContentAsList()
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] resultArray = content.split( delimiter );
        for ( String item : resultArray )
            result.add( item.trim() );
        return result;

     * Convert all types {@code content}, {@code items} or {@code ItemsWithProperties} into the same type.
     * @return list {@link ItemWithProperties}
     * @throws MojoExecutionException In case of an error.
    protected List<ItemWithProperties> getItemsConverted()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        List<ItemWithProperties> result = new ArrayList<>();

        if ( isItemsWithPropertiesSet() )
            result = getItemsWithProperties();
        else if ( isContentSet() )
            for ( String itemName : getContentAsList() )
                result.add( new ItemWithProperties( itemName, ItemWithProperties.NO_PROPERTIES ) );
        else if ( isItemsSet() )
            for ( String itemName : getItems() )
                result.add( new ItemWithProperties( itemName, ItemWithProperties.NO_PROPERTIES ) );
        else if ( isFolderSet() )
            for ( String itemName : getFolders() )
                result.add( new ItemWithProperties( itemName, ItemWithProperties.NO_PROPERTIES ) );

        return result;

     * This is just a convenience method to get the combination of {@link #getBeginToken()}, {@link #getIteratorName()}
     * and {@link #getEndToken()}.
     * @return The combined string.
    protected String getPlaceHolder()
        return getBeginToken() + getIteratorName() + getEndToken();

    protected boolean isItemsNull()
        return items == null;

    protected boolean isItemsWithPropertiesNull()
        return itemsWithProperties == null;

    protected boolean isItemsWithPropertiesSet()
        return !isItemsWithPropertiesNull() && !itemsWithProperties.isEmpty();

    protected boolean isItemsSet()
        return !isItemsNull() && !items.isEmpty();

    protected boolean isContentNull()
        return content == null;

    protected boolean isContentSet()
        // @TODO: Check if content.trim() couldn't be done more efficient?
        return content != null && content.trim().length() > 0;

    protected boolean isFolderSet()
        return this.folder != null;

    protected boolean isFolderNull()
        return this.folder == null;

    public File getFolder()
        return this.folder;

    public void setFolder( File folder )
        this.folder = folder;

    protected boolean isMoreThanOneSet()
        // a ^ b ^ c && ! (a && b && c)
        boolean result = isItemsSet() ^ isContentSet() ^ isItemsWithPropertiesSet() ^ isFolderSet()
            && !( isItemsSet() && isContentSet() && isItemsWithPropertiesSet() && isFolderSet() );
        return !result;

    protected boolean isNoneSet()
        return isItemsNull() && isContentNull() && isItemsWithPropertiesNull() && isFolderNull();

    public void setSortOrder( String sortOrder )
        this.sortOrder = sortOrder;

    public String getSortOrder()
        return sortOrder;

    public String getContent()
        return content;

    public void setContent( String content )
        this.content = content;

    public String getDelimiter()
        return delimiter;

    public void setDelimiter( String delimiter )
        this.delimiter = delimiter;

    public String getBeginToken()
        return beginToken;

    public void setBeginToken( String beginToken )
        this.beginToken = beginToken;

    public String getEndToken()
        return endToken;

    public void setEndToken( String endToken )
        this.endToken = endToken;

    public String getIteratorName()
        return iteratorName;

    public void setIteratorName( String iteratorName )
        this.iteratorName = iteratorName;

    public void setItems( List<String> items )
        this.items = items;

    public List<String> getItems()
        return items;

    public boolean isSkip()
        return skip;

    public boolean isFailAtEnd()
        return failAtEnd;

    public List<ItemWithProperties> getItemsWithProperties()
        return itemsWithProperties;

    public void setItemsWithProperties( List<ItemWithProperties> itemsWithProperties )
        this.itemsWithProperties = itemsWithProperties;

    public MavenProject getMavenProject()
        return mavenProject;

    public void setMavenProject( MavenProject mavenProject )
        this.mavenProject = mavenProject;

    public MavenSession getMavenSession()
        return mavenSession;

    public void setMavenSession( MavenSession mavenSession )
        this.mavenSession = mavenSession;
